Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I found them

Relief... I found my blogs. Actually, they weren't that hard to find. Google is truly amazing.
I just googled them and there they were... waiting to be read by me. I feel better.
I love to read the four I read. One gal is SUCH a good writer. It is just interesting to hear about her journey. One gal is just cynical. Her wit is RAZOR sharp... and sometimes not to my taste, however, I still check her out. The other two are friends and I will always check in on them. So..there you go.

I have to go and get ready for Wednesday night. We have PRE and Youth Group tonight.
Plus Katie has we go for several hours. I have to finish my cards tonight for our swap tomorrow night... but maybe I will tell you about my amazing time-line that I constructed.
til then,

1 comment:

Joyous said...

Which blogs do you love?