Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The need to create

From the beginning of time...... okay, so maybe not the beginning, well, yes..
From the beginning of time, man has had the need to create. (Not Procreate... that is another blog entirely) but to create. Form is indeed important along with function. Egyptians made beautifully painted urns and pots etc.., even when the African people were kept as slaves in America they made beautiful pieced quilts. Women and men have always had a NEED to express themselves artistically in the things they have created. True, for a long time they only had time to make things that were necessary, but they also tried to make them beautiful.

I have discovered Etsy. Actually, Ann told me about this magical place a while back and I have just now had time (taken time) to check it out. Etsy is the Ebay for all things handmade. I checked out papergoods as that is what I create. There are a bazillion items out there. Truly.. a bazillion and yes, that IS a technical term.

I am inspired. I want to play hooky and make paper. I want to create beautiful cards and journals and notebooks. However, I didn't even get out my "stuff" until too late tonight and so only made a few goodies. But, I am thinking and planning and plotting for when next I can make more.

Instead, tonight I played games with Caleb. We are pretty busy around here as everyone is this time of year. It is way to easy to just collapse on the couch in the evening. None-the-less, I am trying to keep the t.v. off (except for Grey's and Boston Legal- my guilty pleasures!) Last night we played Jenga. Tonight we played Don't Break the Ice, the balancing moon game, and Memory. He is really fun to play with and we laughed so hard he had the hiccups.

So... I will have to wait a bit to work on my creations. But I feel fired up and passionate about what I want to do. I have always loved teaching... but this is different and oh so much fun.
What is your passion? What do you create?


Milk & Cookie Party said...

That's one addictive site isn't it?! Love your analysis of the need to create. It's true. God made us with this need to express ourselves. Women moreso than men, but men as well- you have creative men around you.

Love fabrics- textures- colors. You know me- I want to learn to re-upolster (sp?) at some point. Love baby designs, creative stuff. It's in Grace's veins as well as she'll make something (knitting) and then will have to touch it and oooh and aaaah.

Tell me if you do an Etsy store.

Love you!!

Lynn said...

Well one of the best things I created (helped create) was YOU! As you know, I too go crazy over paper and textiles. I know this is how men feel when they go into Lowe's or any hardware store!! I wish I had two huge rooms for crafts, yarn, and paper. What a dream........