Thursday, July 24, 2008

At long last: Curriculum

Curriculum: the materials used by a teacher for the purpose of instruction. WIDELY available in every format imaginable from hands on manipulatives, trade books or text books to software, there is truly something for everyone.

To understand where I am coming from I must tell you that to me, curriculum is like a PROMISE in a box. Sort of like that new box of crayons that will let you be an artist... books can take you ANYWHERE.

In the spring, right about the time that I am trying to decide how much we will ACTUA
LLY accomplish this year, I start to think about next year and all of the promise that it holds. Next year, perhaps, I will get it right. Next year, will be THE year that everything clicks and our schoolroom is a remarkable place of learning. I will provide the proper setting and offer the best materials. Materials I have read about and researched; asking all I know if they have used them and liked them or found them lacking. I pore over catalogs, high light articles, make notes in the margins and build my castles in the sky.

You see, while I love to talk about curriculum, writing about it here puts me in a vulnerable place because I have to admit that I haven't used all I have purchased. Every year I go through this process carefully selecting exactly what I think will be the best for my children and yet.. we don't always complete what we start. I have TONS of books. If I stopped now and just used what we already have... I am sure we would be fine. But, like the new box of crayons, you know the ones with points? They write sooooo much better than the worn ones that are broken and the paper is torn. Or do they?

Well, here is my plan. I have been looking at what I already own. I am reusing as much as possible which is good. I AM getting some new things, but they are consumables or subjects that I haven't taught before. I have ordered Rosetta Stone Spanish. I also got several Mind Bender books and a course on introductory logic. I also splurged on two art books for an art appreciation course. FUN. I know that the kids will do the Spanish and that I will love the art books no matter what. We will do history together and I got some really great Mapskills books that are a bit challenging but are pertinent and useful. I use books from Beautiful Feet for history. We read aloud a lot and then the kids will all be assigned books to read too that will count towards history and literature. I am getting a Spelling program as I haven't really taught spelling. I hate memorizing spelling lists as I don't think that improves spelling in a poor speller at all... we have worked more on phonics rules and exceptions, correcting errors in what we write. But... I am going to give this a try. (They promise it only takes 15 minutes a day).

We are going to do a LOT of writing this year so I got myself a book to help in correcting a writing paper. One of the selfish best parts of homeschooling is how much we learn ourselves.

So.. I am still trying to get my ducks in a row. I am reading novels that will be required for my kids this next year. I am taking and making notes. I am trying to organize and repurpose my materials.

With all of this preparation and planning what I know to be true is this: whether or not we have finished every text that we have started we .. my kiddos and I.. are working together. We have been introduced to a lot of things! We have read a great many books and will read a great many more. We have done projects and made crafts. We have seen plays and been in them! We have cooked and cleaned (okay not enough, but some) together. We have volunteered our time and spent time with those we love. Our homeschool may not be perfect.. they (the kids) are so limited by their teacher"s strengths and weaknesses.. but I don't think that I have ruined them yet. I surely know that I wouldn't trade what we have for ANYTHING in the world.

Now it is time for me to stop daydreaming about how perfect my school may (or may not) be in the fall and spend my time enjoying my days with my kids. I want to stop looking for the PROMISE in new books and find SECURITY in the KNOWLEDGE that we have all we need
right here at home.

I even think that I will make a new life for that drawer of old crayons... melted and molded into new ones!


Trish said...

Can you ever really have too many books? I do think that with every year of experience under my belt, I know myself better and better...and I'm better able to get what I know we will really use. Of course, if our day was filled with non-stop school from 8-5, I could probably fit in all those great projects/books/unit studies, etc... And, sometimes you just have to get it, try it, and see if you really like it...that's why I'm trying to sell my Miquon Math!

Milk & Cookie Party said...

You inspire me to homeschool and then I feel incredibly inadequate to do such a thing. I always hold it out there as a possibility down the road. But I pray for another amazing year like last year. Just like you- one year at a time!

Joyous said...

What specifically are you using? I love what you're planning on doing with your girls' group. That's exciting. What do you use as a reference to keep up? Are you doing the same books with Noah's grade as you did when the girls were in that grade (4th?)?

Can we add schedules to the discussion? Does anyone have a superb plan forkeeping the house de-cluttered while doing school all in the same day?

Loveandadoor said...

Specifically.. I am using Easy Grammar,Writing Strands, Abeka math, history through literature and Apologia science as my core for Noah. Plus my mapskills book and the logic stuff I already mentioned. For the girls I am trying Abeka grammar which has MANY more examples. Not sure how they will do. Katie does Abeka math as well... but it is too advanced for my Bekah. I have about three different algebra texts on my shelf and may use one of those with Brian helping or else use Teaching Text books. The girls are starting into some of the classics.. although Katie still has several Newberry's that I want her to read. We own several of those and I can give you a more detailed list! Noah is a more voracious reader than Katie was and so he is ahead already. I am requiring some of the same books but seeking out others too that may appeal more to him.