Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Devious Parenting??

Okay.. so Noah has earned some money working for friends. He started talking about purchasing video games with the money. Not gonna happen. To distract him I suggested he look at instruments. Perhaps a drum set? The last time I checked they were $6-800. He has a long way to go to save.. I figured I was safe. Even if I chipped in... he would have a bit more to save.

Well... don't you know that Whitmores has a set for $225. That puts him MUCH closer to having the amount. I wouldn't even have to pay half. Drat. That was not the plan. He was supposed to have to save for YEARS. This was just a distraction tactic.

So... in a moment of panic.. (and this is REALLY sneaky) I mentioned that the only video game I might consider is a wii. (They do look like fun.) Now the other children are following Noah chanting... "Get a wii, Get a wii, Get a wii!)

I am certain that this will come back to bite me in the behind.


Jerri Dalrymple said...

As a fellow mom who has always been hesitant with video games....the WII IS AWESOME!!! It's totally on your feet action, AND there are "brain" games you can get as well. It's great family time, too!

Loveandadoor said...

Well... we will see. I actually wouldn't mind one.. but they are VERY expensive. We will have to see what happens!!

Wendy said...

HAAAHAAAA!! (This is the same kind of thing I do with my husband, by the way. Money can burn a hole in his pocket, so I just randomly through out possibilities ...expensive ones. Now he plans to get a Wii, too. I hope Jerri is right!)

Lynn said...

OK---I think you can't go wrong with musical instruments. As you know, I made Jamie take 2 years of piano b/4 we would buy him a drum set. Of course Noah already plays piano very well. He has the knack, why not let him go for it, especially if he pays for part of it??? Maybe next year? He plays accordian and you know how hard that is. I think he will be able to read the drum music, and do very well. Tell him he HAS to continue on the piano....