Okay... so here I am about to post for the second time about something I saw on T.V. This may lead you to believe that I watch a lot of T.V. I would say that this is not true. I do sit down in front of that machine for a few minutes every night... but not usually until after 9:00. I promise I do not sit around all day watching... having said that... here goes.
Last night after we got back from seeing Rumors at the Sager Creek Arts Center (it was very good, by the way) I turned on the T.V. for a few minutes and I got to see the end of
A Knight's Tale.
I LOVE this movie. We own it. None-the-less, I sat there and watched the last few minutes.
A brief synopsis for those of you who don't know the story... the movie takes place during the middle ages. It is the story of a boy whose father is a thatcher. The son is destined to become just like his father.. a thatcher. A peasant. When the boy is seven or eight his Dad apprentices him to a knight. Sending him away, he tells the boy, "Change your stars." During this time period the caste system was firmly in place and no one had the chance to elevate their status.
The boy is with the knight for years. He is a squire. The knight travels around and competes barely providing a living for himself and his attendants. When he dies.. the boy teaches himself to joust so that they can continue competing and therefore earn a living.
At the end.. where I came in... and I hate to give this away so if you haven't seen it... stop reading.. watch the movie and come back
At the end... he has been found out. The "authorities" are coming for him because he has been passing himself off as a person of higher status than his actual lineage proves him to be and all of his attendants... his friends .. want him to run. But he won't.
I LOVE this. Why??
I would run. I hate to admit it.. but I would definitely run. He WON'T. He knows that once caught he will face dire circumstances but he won't run away from who he has become.
Later... when he is in the stocks, people are throwing food and becoming quite rowdy. His band of friends come and
try to keep back the crowd. They are greatly outnumbered and yet they bravely stand together in defense of their friend.
I LOVE this! Against all odds they are loyal.
I want to be the kind of person that stands by a friend no matter what. Later when the prince comes he says," Your men are loyal to you, If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough."
I LOVE this. He is brave and beloved (is that a word) by his friends.
I won't tell you the rest just in case you have never seen it. If not.. do... if you have... watch it again. If you have children.. their is one very suggestive scene. You can fast forward through it and not miss the plot.
I am inspired by his bravery. His courage to "change his stars" and to become the person he KNOWS he is.
So.. there it is.. go forth: be brave, love your friends, and be who you were meant to be.